Our Contact Information

Phone: 812.591.3721

Email: secretary@westportbaptistchurch.org

Address: 202 East Main Street, Westport, Indiana 47283

Contact Info

We have been working to update our church families’ contact information. We would like to get everyone’s address, phone, email, etc. entered in our database as accurately as possible. There will be a table in the foyer with the printouts of each household today. Please stop by to check yours for any missing information.

Please contact Lucy McCullough with information for the bulletin by Wednesday at Lucymac5820@gmail.com. Type “Bulletin” in the subject line.

To schedule an event in the Church Building or the Outreach Building contact Lucy McCullough at 812-591-3721 or Lucymac5820@gmail.com

All information for the church prayer list and the sign in the front lawn should be directed to: Mike Gasper—812-614-4497 or Mike@bassgasper.com

Pastor Gary Johnson may be reached via phone at 765-624-1335 or email at pastorgary.westportbaptist@gmail.com

The church mission is to provide regular opportunities for public worship, sustain the ordinances, doctrines and ethics set forth in the New Testament, maintain a meaningful relationship with God and fellow believers and minister unselfishly to people in the community and world in Jesus’ name.

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:17-18, NIV